Entries by Bob Gamble

Key Drivers of Government & Municipal Security Systems

Government campuses and municipalities require elevated technology and flawless integration in their electronic security systems. At Security Instrument, we design electronic security systems in response to the needs of government and municipal properties. Some of the trends that have driven the needs of electronic security services for government applications in recent years include the following.  

What Your Security Strategy is Missing

In a recent IBM survey , professionals representing large organizations (including private enterprises and state and local government institutions) say their workplaces are not prepared for modern security threats: information theft, ransomware and other serious risks that could affect the health of their organizations, in addition to the information security of their customers. 

Security Systems for Your Financial Institution

Security takes on a new meaning in finance applications, where both the stakes and the risks are higher. At Security Instrument, we have security products and services unique to the finance sector. Some of the most powerful security systems we offer for your financial institution are listed here. 

Features to Jumpstart Your Security Strategy

A strong security strategy is crucial for a busy business owner. One of the best ways to improve yours is by switching to a video surveillance platform that has more advanced features. Here are some of the video surveillance features to look for if you’re ready to jumpstart your security strategy. 

Smart, Safe Summer Fun at Your Business

Summer tends to be a more laid back time in the workplace, with employee appreciation days and maybe even a company picnic. If these events take place onsite, it’s the employer’s responsibility to make sure they are carried out responsibly. Here are some tips for smart, safe summer fun at your business. 

The Gift of Smart Home Security for Father’s Day

With Father’s Day approaching, it’s time to turn our attention toward ways to make Dad’s day extra special. Now that many fathers are starting to return to in-person work (after a year of working from home and helping with remote learning), this year’s Father’s Day calls for smart home security technology to make his life – and, your whole family’s life – a whole lot simpler. 

Staying on Top of Summer School Security

It’s been an unusual school year — and now, many campuses will be vacated again for summer vacation. Empty school grounds are susceptible to all kinds of security risks, whether it’s students exploring the campus at night or breaking and entering by people with more malicious intentions. The relaxed tempo of summertime can be inviting for everyone from the curious to the criminal, so it’s definitely not the time of year to let school security slide. Even if school police stay on duty during the summer, schools need extra security.

Access Control Best Practices for a New Era

We’re in a new era now…one in which working from home has become common, businesses are more used to complying with restrictions, and everyone is preparing for these things to be part of our reality for the foreseeable future. It’s the perfect time to evaluate your security systems, starting with access control. 

How to Assess and Improve Physical Security for Your Office in 2021

For a long time, businesses placed a greater focus on information security than physical security. But in 2021, an office-based business needs to turn focus to improving physical security as well. As you get started on assessing and improving physical security for your office, your first step should be a security audit and physical security risk assessment.