As summer approaches in Delaware, homeowners must prepare to safeguard their properties against seasonal risks. Here are ten essential tips to optimize your home security system for the summer months.

1. Update Your Security System Software

Ensure your security system software is up to date with the latest patches and updates. This reduces vulnerabilities and enhances system reliability during peak usage periods.

2. Outdoor Lighting and Landscaping

Install motion-activated lights around the perimeter of your home to deter intruders. Trim back bushes and trees near windows and doors to eliminate potential hiding spots.

3. Secure Doors and Windows

Inspect and reinforce door frames, hinges, and locks to withstand potential break-in attempts. Consider installing smart locks for added convenience and security.

4. Video Surveillance Optimization

Adjust camera angles and lighting settings to capture clear footage during daylight and nighttime hours. Regularly clean lenses to maintain optimal visibility.

5. Vacation Security Planning

If traveling, inform trusted neighbors or friends and request periodic checks on your property. Use timers to simulate occupancy with lights and electronics.

6. Smart Home Integration

Utilize smart home features to remotely monitor and control security settings from your smartphone or tablet. Receive instant alerts for unusual activity or system triggers.

7. Garage and Shed Security

Secure garages and sheds with robust locks and alarms. Store valuable tools and equipment out of sight to minimize temptation for opportunistic thieves.

8. Fire Safety Preparedness

Ensure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order. Test alarms monthly and replace batteries annually to maintain reliable fire safety protection.

9. Storm and Flood Protection

Prepare for summer storms by securing outdoor furniture, securing loose objects, and reinforcing windows. Consider installing flood sensors to detect water leaks or flooding.

10. Emergency Communication Plan

Establish an emergency communication plan with family members, outlining procedures for emergencies such as break-ins or natural disasters. Ensure everyone knows how to contact emergency services.

By implementing these summer security tips, Delaware homeowners can enjoy peace of mind knowing their properties are well-protected against seasonal risks. Investing in a comprehensive home security system and practicing proactive security measures ensures a safe and secure summer for you and your family.

As a local security company based in Delaware, Security Instrument, we know the challenges and advantages of competing against national giants. Many business owners don’t realize that local companies like ours offer the same, if not better, technology and services. Today, we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of choosing between a local security provider like Security Instrument and the industry behemoths.

Pro of Major Security Companies: The Allure of Discounts

One of the undeniable perks of major security companies is their brand recognition. It’s easy to find reviews and information about their products and services online. However, this can sometimes make it easier to see the downsides as well. By exploring multiple review sites, you can get a true sense of what customers are saying about their service, contracts, availability, and hidden fees. It’s surprising how often small business owners feel taken advantage of by these national companies once the system is installed.

Con of Major Security Companies: Local Reputation Woes

A major security company might boast a strong national presence, but their local dealers’ reputation can vary greatly. To get a true picture of how a dealer operates in your area, it’s essential to look at local reviews. You might find these reviews revealing a different story than what national advertising suggests. Issues like poorly designed services, inflexible contracts, and high-pressure sales tactics are common complaints at the local level.

Pros of Local Security Companies: Community and Care

Local security companies like Security Instrument are often deeply invested in their customers and communities. We prioritize designing equipment that truly safeguards our customers and ensure our monitoring services meet the highest standards. Moreover, we have strong relationships with local law enforcement and community organizations, enhancing our ability to protect our customers effectively.

Are There Cons to Choosing a Local Security Company?

When it comes to established and reputable companies like Security Instrument, there are few cons. With a history dating back to [Year], we are deeply committed to the security of Delaware and the surrounding communities. We prioritize our customers’ safety and satisfaction above all else, offering a level of service that national companies often can’t match.

About Security Instrument

Security Instrument is a leading full-service security integrator based in Delaware. As an independently-owned company, we offer a wide range of electronic security solutions tailored to meet the needs of both commercial and residential clients. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to customer satisfaction make us your trusted partner in safeguarding what matters most.

Contact Security Instrument today to learn more about how we can help protect your home or business.

There may be clouds and rain outside this week, but spring will be here before we know it and it will be time to start deciding what home improvement projects you’ll take on this year. Before that time comes, it would be wise to make some home security decisions as well. Like what? Consider the following.


The first step is choosing a contractor you can trust. Although everyone is still immersed in the “new economy” craze that has made hiring service providers off social media sites part of the new normal, it’s only a good idea to do this with a general contractor if others have vouched for his credibility. At the very least, check out a contractor’s reviews on Yelp and Facebook before sitting down to discuss your project. This isn’t just to protect your investment in the work; it’s also to protect the security of your home while the work is being performed. Make sure the reviews state that the crew was careful and respectful of other’s homes – and if there are any complaints to the contrary, avoid that business at all costs.

Pro Tip: check out a contractor’s reviews on Yelp and Facebook before sitting down to discuss your project. This isn’t just to protect your investment in the work; it’s also to protect the security of your home while the work is being performed.


Ask to meet the lead on the project before the work commences, and be sure you have a rapport with him that allows for you to question who will be on the job on any given day. See a new worker in your house? Ask your project lead who he is, and keep an extra eye on him until you feel comfortable. Don’t be afraid to find out who is in your house and express any concerns you have with the people occupying it.


It may seem like leaving your system unarmed while people are going in and out will save you time. But if you have upgraded to a system that gives you remote access from your smartphone, then you can arm it at a moment’s notice from anywhere you are. Is the crew scheduled to arrive while you’re at work? Receive a notification when they arrive and disarm the system just long enough to let them in. Having remote access to your system this way gives you the freedom to get creative with home security – even during a home improvement project.

To speak with an expert about maintaining security during a home improvement project, contact Security Instrument.


Security Instrument is Delaware’s largest full-service independently-owned security company, serving thousands of customers throughout Delaware, MD, NJ & PA.

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Home invasion is on the rise throughout the region, from Delaware and Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Maryland. Now is the time to make sure you and those you love have the protection of home security. Tri-State Area homeowners need the peace of mind that motion-triggered alarms and cameras provide. Here are some ways these systems can help you fight home invasion. 

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