Entries by Bob Gamble

How Home Security Fights Tri-State Area Home Invasion

Home invasion is on the rise throughout the region, from Delaware and Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Maryland. Now is the time to make sure you and those you love have the protection of home security. Tri-State Area homeowners need the peace of mind that motion-triggered alarms and cameras provide. Here are some ways these systems can help you fight home invasion. 

Video Surveillance to Catch Delaware Catalytic Converter Thieves

The catalytic converter theft epidemic has been sweeping the nation for quite some time, and Delaware is no different. Delaware State Police are doing their part to educate the public on what’s driving this trend and how we can work together to fight it. Meanwhile, a Delaware catalytic converter theft bill was recently passed that requires catalytic converter buyers to report each sale. But why do thieves steal catalytic converters, and what can you do about it if they happen on your commercial property? Here’s the critical info. 

Business Security for Your Summer Vacation

Before the pandemic, nearly 50% of business owners claimed it was difficult to unplug if they took a vacation. More than 40% said they rarely, if ever, took vacations at all. Now, in the post-pandemic era, there are many different schools of thought for how businesses can and should operate. 

Life Safety for Public Facilities

Having life safety devices installed is the responsibility and requirement of every public facility. At Security Instrument, we supply those devices so that public facilities under construction, upgrade or retrofit can get their life safety solutions from a single source. Here’s what public facility managers can expect from our life safety services. 

Fighting Loitering with Video Surveillance

Because loitering happens in all our service areas, we know how businesses throughout the Tri-State area are impacted by it. When loiterers persistently station themselves in or around a business, prospective customers can be dissuaded from entering. Once they tell others about the loitering taking place, word can spread very quickly.

Analytics that Support Healthcare Security Objectives

Healthcare security has made great strides in recent years. Organizations have aggressively met the challenges of HIPAA, but those challenges have been ongoing since the law was enacted in 1996. More recently, the healthcare sector was propelled into a new set of security needs brought on by COVID-19. Interestingly, the 2022 Health Care Trends Report from Allegion revealed there has been a 13% increase in hospital use of electronic access control systems since 2016. 

Better Healthcare Security in the Post-Pandemic Era

In the aftermath of the pandemic, healthcare administrators are waking up to the massive security gaps that exist at their facilities. Security Instrument can help fill those gaps, with services that meet the unique healthcare security challenges of medical facilities in the post-COVID era. In the American Society for Healthcare Engineering’s (ASHE’s) Hospital Security Survey, 61% of hospitals who responded reported that they increased their security budgets because of challenges like the following. 

Business Security for Automotive Dealerships

Automotive theft is on the rise, thanks to the high black market value of items like catalytic converters and other parts. Many times, vehicles are stolen from poorly secured used car lots; other times, they’re targeted at the dealership while being serviced. In any case, it’s clear the automotive retail industry is in need of security solutions that monitor cars more closely. Security Instrument has those solutions; if you manage an auto dealership, consider how we can help you achieve the goal of securing your establishment.