Fire Sprinkler System Maintenance: What You Need Now
Fire sprinkler systems are a critical investment in the protection of a commercial building. Their importance should not be underestimated; state law prohibits the occupancy of a commercial building until the fire suppression system has been tested and approved.
Fire sprinkler systems tend to be the most cost-effective suppression system for building owners, making them a popular solution. However, having fire sprinklers installed simply isn’t enough. For the longevity and optimal performance of fire sprinklers, Delaware businesses should employ regular maintenance on the systems. Here’s what you need to make it happen.
Compliance with NFPA 25
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is the nation’s leading resource on systems of fire prevention. This organization provides numerous codes designed to help both residential homes and commercial enterprises counteract the risks of fire and other safety hazards. When it comes to fire sprinkler systems, NFPA 25 is the manual to refer to.
NFPA 25 is the baseline for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems – not only fire sprinklers, but also standpipe and hose, fixed water spray, private fire hydrants, water mist, and foam water systems for fire suppression. To avoid fire sprinkler system failure and ensure fast, effective response in a fire emergency, refer to NFPA 25 standards and perform due diligence for NFPA 25 compliance. The manual can be downloaded here.
A Testing and Replacement Schedule
Maintenance on fire sprinkler systems will extend their longevity, but sometimes a replacement is called for nonetheless. Testing the systems every five years will reveal whether replacement is necessary on any given sprinkler on the premises. This is especially important for buildings in high temperature climates; likewise, maintenance workers should make sure the gauges on all sprinklers are tested as well. If there is a defect on any sprinkler or sprinkler gauge, that calls for an immediate replacement.
Local fire jurisdictions will be able to advise more thoroughly on what is required for your specific municipality. When it comes time to install, inspect or test fire sprinkler systems, Delaware businesses should contact Security Instrument. We will be glad to perform these services.
About Security Instrument
Security Instrument is a full-service, independently-owned integrator that offers numerous home security options, including security systems for senior citizens. In Delaware Valley, Security Instrument serves thousands of customers located throughout Delaware, MD, NJ & PA.