Choosing Security Systems for Senior Citizens
It’s Older Americans Month – and while we should hold concern for our older loved ones year-round, the season of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is a great time to think about their home security. If you are considering an upcoming home improvement project for a beloved parent or grandparent, a security system for senior citizens is a great idea. What sets a home security system for seniors apart from other electronic solutions is the unique way it addresses their safety needs while also connecting parts of the home to electronic sensors. This functionality allows loved ones to stay on top of what’s going on in the home without infringing on the senior’s privacy. Here are some examples of ways it can work.
Security Systems for Seniors: Possible Features
If you are an adult child or caregiver seeking out a security solution for senior citizens, keep an eye out for features like:
· Sensors that can be placed in key parts of the home – like beds, refrigerators and medicine cabinets – so you will know when those places are being used, and can intervene if they are ever not being used
· A quiet connection to the system, such as a smartphone app you can discreetly look at anytime
· A notification feature that sends you emergency alerts when necessary
· Built-in intelligence that memorizes the activity in the senior’s home, so it can detect any unusual activity that may happen
Connecting Lights, Locks and Thermostats
For additional security, other elements in the home can be connected to the security system as well. Seniors can be even safer when their lights and locks are electronically connected to the security system; this is an option that enables their loved ones to program lights to come on and go off at certain times of day, and allows keyless entry into the home with a simple number code (which means no more lost keys for anyone!). Even thermostats can be connected, which means heating and cooling can be turned on and off remotely by caregivers from the smartphone app. If cameras are part of the home security system, seniors’ authorized loved ones can watch live video feed from the app as well.
To look into the options we offer in security systems for senior citizens, contact Security Instrument today. We look forward to helping you and your loved one.
About Security Instrument
Security Instrument is a full-service, independently-owned integrator that offers numerous home security options, including security systems for senior citizens. In Delaware Valley, Security Instrument serves thousands of customers located throughout Delaware, MD, NJ & PA.