3 Reasons To Upgrade Your Home Security in 2019
Do you have a list of home improvement goals for the new year? Hopefully, home security is represented somewhere on that list. If an upgrade to your home security is on the agenda for 2019, here are some ideas for ways to improve it.
No More Wires = Better Security
If your system is still hardwired or connected to a landline telephone, it’s definitely time for an upgrade. A wireless connection to the central station ensures that your alarm signal will reach the central station, because there are no wires that could be cut by an intruder. And in the case of a fire, the system can’t be destroyed because the connection is not dependent on external equipment. When an emergency happens, the central station will be immediately alerted no matter what.
Improved User-Friendliness & Mobile App
User-friendly technology is a must these days; if there are too many steps to follow, most of us quickly tune out. So if improving home security is on your 2019 itinerary, make sure easy-to-use technology is covered. Now, there are systems that can be managed entirely with your smartphone, via an easy-to-use home security app that can be set up during your installation. There are no more hard-to-remember steps to follow; instead, there’s just user-friendly technology that your whole family can quickly master.
Professional Installation and Support
While user-friendliness is important, it still requires serious technical acumen to install and integrate – and only a professional security integrator has that. This is why the first step in your home security upgrade should be contacting a professional integrator; not only do they offer a complete installation experience, but ongoing support after the installation as well.
To discuss your options for new year upgrades to home security, Delaware homeowners can call Security Instrument. We would be glad to offer you a free home security consultation.
About Security Instrument
Security Instrument is a full-service, independently-owned security integrator that offers numerous electronic security options. We serve thousands with residential, commercial and hotel security in Delaware, MD, NJ & PA.